Upcycling clothes, Make do & Mend

I have a confession to make, I absolutely hate vests with poppers for the little ones.  You know the type, the ones that fasten in the crotch area, can be short or long sleeved and keep their little backs warm.  Yeah, great for the little ones when you pick them up their clothes always seem to end up bunched around their armpits but I just HATE them.  Those little poppers really get on my nerves and when worn with cloth nappies, they just seem to dig in and create a bit of leakage.

We are travelling really light but I just seemed to have loads of the hated vest contraptions and wondered how I could use them without having to get rid.  One rainy day I’d had enough of those pain in the arse poppers and chopped the bottom bit off.  As I said, we had too many of the darned things so I chopped up quite a few, in order to make Mayhem some long sleeved tops and decided to do something with the leftover fabric.

I looked at what shapes I had left over and drew out a few ideas on paper first then cut out the fabric and then used the sewing machine to stitch around the different fabric shapes.  An easy sew but make sure you pin everything down first or it can get complex!  Mayhem got his appliqué designs on the chopped off vests and I tarted up some of Chaos’ plain tops to make them a bit more va va voom!

Here’s the results:

Pink Pear Bear