Slow Cooker Spiced Mirabelle Plum Chutney

The Mirabelle plum is a French speciality but it grows in Spain and the UK too. This type of plum is small, oval, yellow and deliciously sweet. They are great when just picked straight from the tree and eaten fresh.  We are lucky to have a huge Mirabelle plum tree in our garden, there are so abundant they were just falling from the tree, so rather than them go to waste…it’s chutney time!

This chutney will of course work with any variety of plums and doesn’t necessarily need to be cooked in the slow cooker, but we loved the ease of the slow cooker and the way that the flavours infuse when time is taken to get the recipe right!

You will need;

2 onions (red are good)

2 lbs of plums (Mirabelle in this case)

A glug of  oil

3  bay leaves

1 cinnamon stick

4 cloves

½ teaspoon ground allspice

½ teaspoon ground ginger

400 g brown sugar

1 orange and it’s zest

300 ml cider vinegar

Start by chopping your onions, then squeeze out the stones from the plums over a large bowl and catch the plum flesh and any juice, making sure all the stones are disgarded.  Heat your oil in a large pan.  Cook the onion  until golden,  add the bay and spices, frying them for just for a minute to enhance their flavour then stir in all of the plums, sugar, orange juice & zest and vinegar.

Plum Chutney

Transfer the whole lot into your slow cooker and cook until thick. (stir occasionaly to avoid sticking).  Go about your day and enjoy the spiced smells emerging from the slow cooker.

When you are happy with the consistency and the chutney is still hot, spoon your chutney into sterilised jar/s.  Leave it to cool and store in a cupboard, the chutney will last for at least three months.

Slowcooker Chutney

If you can wait for a few weeks the flavours will develop nicely.  A perfect rich, spiced chutney to go with your Christmas cheese board.


If you like this recipe pin it for later!

Sparkly Mummy