Category Archive: Family

A Simpler Life…Escaping the Rat Race

I have a confession to make, some of you might find this really, really shocking… I haven’t bought any clothes for myself for a whole year. 365 days, 12 months, a whole year.… Continue reading

Campo Creatures

Many wonderful creatures can be spotted in the Spanish campo.  Here’s Charlie the Chameleon, stood defensively on his hind legs after Si the Burmese Cat disturbed his afternoon stroll.  Can you spot Charlie?… Continue reading


Idyllic Cómpeta, the  ‘pearl of Axarquia’, a fine example of a Spanish whitewashed village.  It’s labyrinth of steep streets, cobbled alleyways and traditional houses nestled on the hillside. The picturesque Andalusian village is… Continue reading

Breastfeeding and Identifying Posterior Tongue-Tie

Both of my boys had and have a posterior tongue tie. Both were difficult to breastfeed.  When I say difficult, I mean painful.  I suffered from painful shredded nippes, blocked ducts and vasospasms during our feeding… Continue reading

Breastfeeding & Identifying Posterior Tongue-Tie

Both of my boys had and have a posterior tongue tie. Both were difficult to breastfeed.  When I say difficult, I mean painful.  I suffered from painful shredded nippes, blocked ducts and vasospasms during our feeding… Continue reading


Yesterday we visited Frigiliana in Andalusia.  A beautiful whitewashed village nestled in the hills, twenty minutes from the coast, one hour from Malaga.  Voted the most picturesque village in Andalusia by the Spanish Tourist… Continue reading

Torrox Fountains

The nearest town to our Spanish campo house is Torrox in Andalusia. The pueblo has a wonderful plaza with the best entertainment for kids…a water fountain they can play in!

Lessons learned from Travelling with Toddlers

Travelling with toddlers is hard work, some would say, not us, we love it!  When we thought about travelling with our toddlers family and friends told us to wait until they were older, when… Continue reading


Chaos and Mayhem love playing with bubbles. Chaos blows them and tries to catch them on the bubble stick, then gives them as a gift to pop on your arm. Mayhem chases the… Continue reading

Chaos The Threenager & Mayhem The Velcro Kid

Having a family is hard work.  Having kids is the ultimate self-sacrifice.  You give, they take.  It’s sometimes such very hard work but always, always worth it.  The tantrums, the crying, the whining… Continue reading