Tag Archive: Breastfeeding with Tongue Tie

The Boy That Never Slept Through

When you become a parent you inadvertently become obsessed with sleep patterns, food consumption and bowel movements. Never in my life have hubbie and I interrogated each other so on the latest poop… Continue reading

Breastfeeding & Identifying Posterior Tongue-Tie

Both of my boys had and have a posterior tongue tie. Both were difficult to breastfeed.  When I say difficult, I mean painful.  I suffered from painful shredded nippes, blocked ducts and vasospasms during our feeding… Continue reading

Breastfeeding and Identifying Posterior Tongue-Tie

Both of my boys had and have a posterior tongue tie. Both were difficult to breastfeed.  When I say difficult, I mean painful.  I suffered from painful shredded nippes, blocked ducts and vasospasms during our feeding… Continue reading